We are very proud of our school uniform and it is important that the children all look and feel smart.
As the warmer weather arrives Reception to Year 4 summer dresses should be red and white checked/gingham. Nursery summer dresses are blue checked / gingham. The children may wish to bring a hat into school to wear at playtimes. It is also important to send a coat to school everyday given the frequent change in our weather!
In preparation for the summer term, please remember that all school shoes must be plain and dark in colour. If sandals are worn these must be worn with socks to protect the children’s feet, be flat and fasten securely. They should also be plain and appropriate for school. Flip flops, Crocs (or similar), slip on shoes, ballerina pumps and anything with a heel are not appropriate for school. Tights (red, navy or grey) and socks (white, navy, black or grey) should be plain.
Please could you use the Easter holidays to check with your child that he or she has a full indoor PE kit in school, including shoes that fit. Children must wear a plain red t-shirt, blue PE shorts and suitable footwear. These can be bought from Tots to Teams. Football kits or own sports wear is not permitted.
Please also remember to label/name everything in the kit so that we can match any lost items with their owners. Thank you.