Year 1 – Back with a Bang!


Wow! What a brilliant first week back to school. You have all really impressed the grown ups in Year 1 with how sensible, clever and funny you are! It has been lovely to be together as one big class again. Watching you all playing with your friends and having a great time has put huge smiles on our faces!

You have worked your socks off to follow all of our new rules that help to keep us safe and we are so impressed.

This week, we have completed lots of different tasks, including numeracy, literacy, phonics, e-safety and art. We must say, your sketching skills are superb and you have worked so hard to create Frida Kahlo inspired self-portraits!

Once again, we are so proud of how well you have settled in to your new classrooms and we cannot wait to get started again next week! Have a relaxing weekend everyone, and we will see you soon!

Love Miss White, Miss Turner, Mrs Tadbeer and Mrs Corrigan.