Year 2’s Amazing Architect Workshop


Year 2 had a fantastic day yesterday with Martin and Jack from Architect Workshops. First we used out scientific knowledge to think about different habitats and which kind of structures might be suitable there. We thought about igloos in the Arctic, spacious structures in the Sahara Desert and structures lifted from the creepy crawlies on the ground in the rainforest.

We then discussed how to make structures strong. We learned that triangles were a very strong shape and we used this to create amazing structures using only canes and elastic bands. The children did all the building themselves and we were all blown away by the incredible structures they created. The teamwork they showed was also fabulous- well done on a superb day Year 2. We are all very proud of you!

“Look how strong ours is! Martin couldn’t even knock it down being the wind”

“That was so cool I am going to ask my mum to build one at home”

“My brother has a den building kit, I am going to tell him to make triangles to make it strong”

“That was great I think we worked as a really good team”

“I didn’t know how good I was at tying elastic bands!”