Beamish By Year 4 bloggers


Year 4 would like to share their thoughts and experiences from their trip to Beamish as part of their Victorian topic.  It sounds like they had great fun!

Beamish was the best trip ever we went to the sweet shop saw puffing BILLY!!!  We went down the coal mine and did loads of other cool things. Over all we had a very fun time and I really want to go there again!– Billy

Year 4 went  to Beamish it was  so cool. There was a sweet shop  and there was trams and a bank.-Charlie

Y4 went to Beamish museum in April and saw tons of cool stuff. They went on working Victorian trams and coaches. They got to bring 5 pounds to buy things. There was dentists and schools and everything. They had so much fun.-George

 Year 4 went to beamish it was so cool.  Beamish is a Victorian museum and its outdoors there are old cars and working buses and trams and sweet shops and dentists.  This trip is AMAZING!!!-Thomas


Year 4 went to the great north museum beamish.

All of us were split into different groups and 1st my group went to the coal mines it looked very interesting and then we went to the school and some groups got a lesson  with the school teacher. Elizabeth