
At Archibald First School we strive for our children to love maths! We want them to be successful and proficient mathematicians and to develop life long skills that will prepare them for the next stage of their learning journey. We use maths all the time in our daily life; when cooking and baking, when driving, drawing and problem solving. We use it when we are shopping, reading timetables, planning a holiday or event. It is so heavily ingrained in our daily routine that we use it almost without thinking!

Find out more about by reading our intent statement for maths.

At Archibald we use a mastery approach for the teaching of mathematics. At Archibald this means we teach mathematics in blocks, giving children enough time to develop and deepen their knowledge and understanding. Sessions incorporate the skills of mathematical fluency, problem solving and reasoning. The teachers ensure that the lessons are stimulating and fun, and use real-life situations to engage the children.

The Following links show the long term plans for each year group based on the White Rose Maths scheme of learning.

At Archibald we recognise that children need to develop their conceptual understanding. In order to do this we use the concrete, pictorial, abstract (CPA) approach. This approach recognises that in order for pupils to understand the abstract concepts, they must first learn mathematical concepts through the use of concrete resources and pictorial representations.

The following documents show the CPA progression for each of the four calculation strands.

The documents below show how we teach written methods for addition, subtraction, multiplication and division.  These show the final written stages of how children solve calculation problems.

Our Calculation Policy