Absolutely Amazing Gymnastics!


Key Stage 1 are very lucky because we have Mrs Smurthwaite teaching us gymnastics and she’s an excellent expert. First we had to make a tall straight shape with our feet together.



Next we had to squat down with our arms straight out. It was a bit tricky and super tiring!


We had to get on all fours and had to crawl forwards with our arms and then crawl forwards with our legs. It was important to stay together.


Then it was time to use the benches. Our job was to get up and across using a gymnastic movement like the caterpillar.


Finally we even had to learn how to put the mats and apparatus out and then away again. They were heavy but we were strong and we did it!


“The best bit was carrying the benches” – Joe B.

“My favourite bit was the caterpillar walk” – Jada.

“I found it tricky to keep my back straight when I did the crab” – Sam.

“I want to learn how to do forward rolls and backward rolls” – Dylan.

“I think I’m getting better at doing the squats” – Iona.