As part of our links to The Custom House in South Shields we have taken part in the Discover Arts Award. This award which is organised by the Arts Council and Trinity College is a national award. The children must research an artist, create artwork and share what they have learned. The children have looked at Claudia Sacher, this northern artist focuses on figures and made great links to our Fit Factor topic and the human body. We have been researching the artist and her themes building up to a collaborative art project as a class.
Elizabeth Kane came from the Custom House and was really impressed with our art knowledge and the research we had done. It was great to look at sculpture, photography and drawings and discuss what we could see, notice and wonder about the work.
Our first task was to get a huge piece of paper for us all to work on. We drew profiles of our faces by closing our eyes and feeling what we were drawing. These produced some realistic and abstract pictures, it was very funny seeing what we had produced!
Next we drew with our non-dominant hands, which some of the children preferred! We also drew continuous line drawings of figures and had to get creative when adding detail!
Finally, we drew tonal figures by shading and using different mark making such as cross hatch.
When our figures were finished we drew lines and shaded areas to add depth to our work. It was so much fun to work as a group. We kept moving around the paper so that our drawings and images were scattered over the area. After we shared what we had learned.
“I learned that photographs could be art.”- Isaac
“I learned that you could use a limited palette!”- Rosa
The class really enjoyed what they had produced and it was fantastic to work collaboratively.
Thank you to Elizabeth Kane for coming to show us some new techniques!