Early Years News

Language of the week


Each week in Early Years we will be exploring a new language that one of our classmates speaks. We have made little videos to show […]

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Early Years News

Latin Dancing


As part of Our European Day of Languages, we received a grant from Europe Direct for an activity. We organised for a dance teacher to […]

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Early Years News

Hand hygiene


Thank you to Danie and Taryn who came to visit Reception today to talk to us about the importance of washing our hands. We learnt […]

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Early Years News

Take a tour


The children in Early Years have made a video to share with all the children starting in September to give you a tour of our […]

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Early Years News

Rising Sun Fun!


Early Years had a great time at Rising Sun country park to finish off our pirate topic.  We asked the children to tell us about […]

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Early Years News

ARRR! Pirate day


We had a great day yesterday becoming the crew of the HMS Archibald. We sang sea shanties, played pirate games and enjoyed our hard tack […]

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Early Years News

Once upon a time in Reception


  This half term we have been learning about traditional tales and we have loved it. We finished off with our Class assembly to share […]

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