Early Years News

Excellent Attendance Awards


Well done to all the children who received their Excellent Attendance Award in assembly today. Those who attended 95% plus received their certificate and a pencil. […]

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Early Years News

Sports Day 2017


Yesterday was our amazing Sports day.  Reception, Key Stage 1 and 2 enjoyed a great day organised by Mr Walton and his sports leaders from […]

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Early Years News

PTFA Summer Disco


A huge thank you to the PTFA who organised the final disco of the year for the children from Reception to Year 4. The children […]

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Early Years News

Daft as a Brush £3754


On Monday we had a great to visit to Daft as a Brush  HQ to present Brian with a cheque from our Gosforth Schools’ Trust […]

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Early Years News

Archibald Army Update


So we did it! This morning the Archibald Army met to take part in Pretty Muddy, a 5k obstacle course with LOTS OF MUD to […]

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Early Years News

Transition Week


This week is Transition week for Reception.  The Reception children will take part in 4 different activities to allow them to explore the Year 1 […]

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Early Years News

Archery Schools 500 Games by Holly


Yesterday, some of  us got to take part in an archery competition, it was fab!I had a wonderful time, even though it was a bit […]

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