Early Years News

An amazing trip to St. Mary’s Lighthouse


On Friday Class 2 and Nursery 2 embarked on their exciting trip to St. Mary’s Lighthouse. Class 1 and Nursery 1 had told us how […]

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Early Years News

Let’s Get Building… continued!


Let’s Get Building club is well under way, and what a busy few weeks it has been!   Last week was aMAZEing! We created two […]

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Early Years News

St Mary’s Lighthouse trip – Tuesday 21st June


On Tuesday the 21st June Class 1 and Nursery 1 went on a visit to St Mary’s Lighthouse in Whitley Bay. We had a wonderful […]

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Early Years News

Let’s Get Building!


  Today was the very first day of Let’s Get Building club in Early Years! Our team of builders talked about structures and design and […]

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Early Years News

Transition Week


Before half term, all the Reception and Year 1 children took part in transition week. This was a such a fun week in which the […]

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Early Years News

Archibald Rainbow Run 2016


Last Monday, a fantastic day was had by all at Archibald for our Rainbow Run. The sun was shining, the staff were dressed in their […]

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Reception phonics video showing our sounds and actions
Early Years News

Reception phonics video showing our sounds and actions


Throughout the school children use their phonic knowledge to help them read and write. In Early Years today we made a video to show you […]

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