Early Years News

PTFA Spring Fete


We can’t wait to see everyone from Archibald and their families on Saturday 21st May between 2pm and 4pm.   It is the annual spring […]

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Early Years News

Thank you to the PTFA!


Early Years would like to say a huge thank you to the PTFA who have provided us with some fabulous equipment in Early Years. We […]

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Early Years News

The Big Pedal 2016


The Big Pedal 2016 18th-29th April Get set… we’re taking part in The Big Pedal 2016, the UK’s largest inter-school cycling and scooting challenge that […]

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Early Years News

Sharing Week in Early Years


We would like to say a huge thank you to all the Mummies, Daddies, Grandmothers, Granddads and child minders who came in to Early Years […]

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Early Years News

American Diner Day


The School Council did an amazing job of organising a special school lunch. After asking all the children in school for a theme they then […]

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Early Years News

Keep collecting your Sainsbury’s Vouchers for Archibald


We’re still collecting Sainsbury’s Active Kids vouchers. So help us provide great new sports and cooking equipment for our kids by collecting vouchers every time […]

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Early Years News

Family Book Quiz 2016


Follow the link below to test your wits over books. Each quiz contains different sections. How well do you know your books…?   http://www.worldbookday.com/quiz/   […]

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