Early Years News

Odd Socks Day


Today everyone came to school looking slightly different.  We all wore odd socks.  This little change made a big difference as the school council collected […]

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Early Years News

Early Years Grand Opening to Parents


On Monday 29th June we officially opened the Early Years Outdoor areas after receiving £10000 in Big Lottery Funding.   The Big Lottery Fund supports […]

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Early Years News

Big Lottery Funding for Archibald!


We are delighted to announce that in May 2015, we were successfully awarded a grant from the Big Lottery of £10 000. The Big Lottery Fund […]

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Early Years News

An outstanding picnic


This afternoon, Archibald celebrated it’s outstanding result.  We invited everyone to come and join us for a picnic.  The grass area was full of picnic […]

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Early Years News

Greggs Children Cancer Run


Once again on Sunday 17th May, brave parents, children and staff gave up their Sunday morning lie in to run for charity.  They could run […]

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Early Years News

We are Outstanding!


Dear Parents and carers, It is with a huge sense of pride that I am writing to you to present our OFSTED inspection report. It […]

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Early Years News

What makes you happy?


In 2012, The United Nations declared the first ever international Happy Day, highlightlighting the universal emotion and how we all strive for, and are entitled […]

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