Early Years News

Dick Whittington


We began our Christmas celebrations with a pantomime on Friday 29th November.  M and M productions came in to perform Dick Whittington. There were lots […]

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Early Years News

Christmas Evening Thursday 5th December 5pm!!!


The Christmas Evening is fast approaching!  It is on Thursday 5th December 5pm-7pm  There will be lots of the usual stalls, including bottle hoopla, jam jar jest […]

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Early Years News

A visitor in Early Years!


On returning to school after the half term holidays Early Years children had a surprise visitor. Linking with learning about Bonfire Night, Guy Fawkes popped […]

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Early Years News

Early Years Parent Stay and Play sessions


From Wednesday 13th to Friday 15th of November 2013 we had parent stay and play days in Early Years. This was our way of sharing […]

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Early Years News

Another string to our bow


  In addition to our violin lessons available in Key Stage 2, Archibald is looking to offer lessons with brass instruments.  We had a visit […]

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E-Safety Information links and handouts
Early Years News

E-Safety Information links and handouts


A huge thank you to the parents who attended our E-Safety Evening.   You will find links to the PowerPoint presentation, CEOPs video and any […]

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Sharing your child’s achievements and proudest moments!
Early Years News

Sharing your child’s achievements and proudest moments!


At Archibald we value what your child gets up to and achieves at home, to share this with us we have Wow Stars and Certificates of Achievement for you […]

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