Early Years News

Early Years join the circus!


Nursery and Reception have loved taking part in circus skills workshops this week. The amazing Martin from Circurama came to share some amazing skills with […]

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Early Years News

Healthy Schools Status for Archibald


Please read our lovely feedback from the Newcastle Team… Archibald First School has retained Newcastle Healthy School Status for a further 2 years. Congratulations! The team could see […]

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Early Years News

A Trip to the Laing Art Gallery with our Art Ambassadors…


On Friday afternoon Mrs Howard joined other Art Coordinators from the Gosforth Trust for an exciting afternoon of art training provided by the Laing Art […]

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Early Years News

ARTventurers in Nursery


We had a fantastic time last week when ARTventurers came into Nursery! We spent Tuesday and Thursday afternoon being amazing artists, learning new ways to […]

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Early Years News

The Tiger Who Came to Tea


Nursery have had a brilliant start to this half term. This week we read ‘The Tiger Who Came to Tea’ by Judith Kerr, the children […]

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Early Years News

EYFS Yoga!


The children in Early Years have loved our Yoga sessions this Spring half term. Each session has been linked to a story or one of […]

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Early Years News

Balance Bikes


In Reception, we have enjoyed some balance bike sessions. We have been super confident on the bikes. We have learned the importance of looking after […]

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