Early Years News



In Reception we have been really lucky to have a Piccolo music workshop every Monday morning this half term. Our Piccolo leader Pauline has taught […]

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Early Years News

Our Reception Trip to Seven Stories


On Thursday 9th December Reception enjoyed a fantastic trip to Seven Stories. We watched a Christmas Performance in the attic, which involved singing, listening to […]

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Early Years News

History at Archibald!


We have had a great Autumn term at Archibald being Historians. The children have explored different concepts and applied these to their learning to deepen […]

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Early Years News

Little Gosforth


In Reception we have been learning about where we live. We have looked at the Solar System and talked about how we live on Planet […]

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Early Years News

The Very Hungry Caterpillar in Nursery


In Nursery we have enjoyed reading one of our core texts; The Very Hungry Caterpillar. The children listened so well to the story, making their […]

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Early Years News

Reception Eco Week


This week we have been finding out about endangered animals and how we can be Eco Friendly. We had a visitor in half term and […]

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Early Years News

Sparkle the fairy


Nursery have had a very exciting half term- Sparkle the fairy came to live in Red Zone! One day, Sparkle left us some magic beans. […]

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