Early Years News



When someone makes your day and it is only 8.45am! What a lovely kind thought; I have enjoyed reading this during a sneaky coffee break […]

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Early Years News

Starting Reception


The staff in Reception have been so proud of the children and how they have come in this week. They have greeted us with a […]

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Early Years News

Last Day Fun!


Enjoy: smile, laugh, love from all at Archibald. Introducing Early Years Key Stage 1 Presents With the finale by Key Stage 2

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Early Years News

Newcastle Summer of Change


Newcastle’s Best Summer Ever presents…….Summer of Change With the schools’ summer holidays coming next week we wanted to share some more information about what Newcastle’s […]

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Early Years News

Lost Property and Scooters


Last day for the lost property being out. We also have scooters and bikes left. Please come and collect today!

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Early Years News

Daniel McAdam Trophy Award Presentation!


At Archibald, we’re very proud to have this award, our Daniel McAdam Award represents a very special little boy, who we were proud to have […]

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Early Years News

Early Years Summer 2, Week 7 – Our Final Blog.


Well can you believe it, we are at the end of the Summer term and it has been quite a journey. Now it is time […]

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