EYFS Sharing week


This week we have had lots of visitors into Early Years to share about their jobs and skills.


Mrs Turner came to visit us to share all about her job. She told us that she enjoys doing assemblies and loves to see children happy and safe at school. She asked us to help her by looking after each other and school equipment.

We also had a visit from Jesse’s Grandma. She was a midwife. She talked to us about how to look after babies. She showed us how to change nappies and feed a baby with a bottle.


Jack’s mum joined Reception to share stories with us. We loved this extra story time.

Kate’s mum and dad brought in some amazing fossils. We loved looking at and touching them. There was even some dinosaur poo.


James came to visit us to talk about his job as a police officer. We loved asking him questions and some us even tried some of his uniform on.

Sophie the nurse came to talk to us about her job too. She chatted about injections, scars, chicken pox and when we need to see a nurse.

Wilbur’s mum came to talk about her job as a doctor.


Iris’ mum came to talk about allergies. We shared things that we were allergic too. This included dark caves!

Thomas’ mum came to talk about her job as a GP. She had an apron that showed us the inside of the body and showed some of the equipment she used.

Mr Bell came to share what he does. We were very interested in his keys and tools. We promised to help make his job easier by picking up rubbish from the floor.

Mrs Carr came to see us too. She shared all about the work that her, Mrs Shaw and Mrs Barnes do in the office. We were very grateful for helping us and our grown ups.

The children have loved our visitors this week. They asked super questions. Thank you to all the grown ups who shared their time to inspire our children.