Fabulous Fun in Year 4!


Year 4 kicked off this half term with Arts Week and were inspired by the French artist, Georges Seurat. After exploring a range of painting skills, we created our own mood boards and artist studies. Finally, we looked at the pointillism technique and used this to create our own pictures.

Year 4 have had a very busy half term and have really embraced their cultural capital. We visited the Laing Gallery, to support our learning in art and took part in a fabulous workshop. We also enjoyed a super trip to the Theatre Royal to watch the stage adaptation of our class novel, Boy at the Back of the Class. The play was brilliant and really highlighted the importance of inclusion and acceptance into society. We look forward to developing this theme more next half term, during Refugee Week.

Year 4 have also been busy with practical science tasks, learning all about sound and how it travels. We had fun experimenting with string telephones and also made our own pan pipes too! 

We have also really enjoyed taking part in a ballet workshop each Tuesday morning with the Ballet Lorent company and have learned about storytelling through dance. We have had so much fun and have acquired many new skills too.

We have thoroughly enjoyed this half term’s literacy text, Kensuke’s Kingdom, by Michael Morpurgo and have impressed our teachers with some fabulous pieces of writing. We have written balanced arguments, diary entries, haikus, playscripts and different character perspectives. We are also extremely skilled at editing our work too!

Well done Year 4 for being so fabulous this half term; for working hard, being so positive and trying your very best –  we are proud of each and every one of you. Next half time we are going to have SO MUCH FUN! Your last half term at Archibald will be your best yet!