This week, children across Key Stages 1 and 2 have visited Walker Activity Dome to take part in a gymnastics competition organised by School Games and Newcastle PE and Sport Service. What a fantastic event it was!
Before the competition, the children worked with their class teachers during lunch time to perfect their routines. The staff were very impressed by how committed the children were, and how fantastic they were at remembering the routine!
On the day, the children had to perform their routine all by themselves in front of the judges! Some of the children started to get a little nervous before their turn, but they smiled and performed like never before when they took to the floor! Miss White was SO impressed!
Better still, there were lots of different gymnastic elements to try when it was not your turn to perform. The children from Archibald got to try using the beam, the vault and the trampoline. What a fun time had by all!
We already can’t wait for next year!