Key Stage 1 News

Super Science Week!


Everyone has been taking part in science week at Archibald. Our Gosforth Schools’ Trust members Ben and Erin recently met with pupils from other GST […]

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Key Stage 1 News

Little Inventors Day


  Everyone at Archibald has taken part in our very own Little Inventors Day. We all had to think about what life might be like […]

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Key Stage 1 News

Spanish visit


This week we have been delighted to welcome two visitors from our Spanish partner school to Archibald. Their visit has been funded by Erasmus+ and […]

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Key Stage 1 News

Safer Internet Week 2018


We have had a very busy week thinking about how to be safe online. Nursery read the story of Smartie the penguin and learnt a […]

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Key Stage 1 News

Awesome Objects and Delightful Dens in Y2!


As you know our topic in Year 2 is ‘How Can We Give the World a Hug?’ Well one thing you can do is go […]

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Key Stage 1 News

Recyclable Robots and Crazy Creatures in Y2!


The topic in Year 2 this half term has been ‘How Can We Give the World A Hug?’ For our You and Me project the […]

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Key Stage 1 News

Amazing Absorbency in Y2!


Year 2 have been finding out all about everyday materials this half term such as cardboard, plastic and glass. We noticed that we had all […]

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