Key Stage 1 News

Brilliant bacteria busting!


Year 2 have been finding out the best way to wash our hands. We needed some cooking oil and some glitter. The cooking oil helped […]

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Key Stage 1 News

Daft day 2017


On Thursday 25th of May 2017 we had a daft as a brush day. We had to dress up daft, for example, some people came with: […]

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Archibald First School will observe a minute’s silence
Key Stage 1 News

Archibald First School will observe a minute’s silence


Dear Parents and Carers In line with the decision announced yesterday by the Department of Culture, Media and Sport, the children in Years 1 to […]

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Key Stage 1 News

Super Sea Life Learning!


Year 2 went to Blue Reef Aquarium and we all had a super time! First we went in our groups and had a bit of […]

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Children’s Cancer Run 2017
Key Stage 1 News

Children’s Cancer Run 2017


What a brilliant day yesterday! The rain held off, the sun glimpsed out from behind the clouds and there were many smiling (if not a […]

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Key Stage 1 News

Our Amazing Alnwick Castle Adventure!


Yesterday Year 1 went on an exciting trip to Anlwick Castle. Although it was quite a wet and windy day we all had an amazing time […]

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Key Stage 1 News

Get Active Great Outdoors Challenge 2017


The Summer Term is here and everyone in the Gosforth Schools’ Trust is excited about all the activities that we can enjoy in the great […]

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