Key Stage 1 News

Big Pedal Breakfast


                  Today marked the beginning of the Big Pedal. We all cycled or scooted to school which […]

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Key Stage 1 News

Super Synagogue Trip


On Tuesday Year 2 had a very special day. We walked smartly to the synagogue. A synagogue is a place where Jewish people go to pray. […]

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Key Stage 1 News

Super Story Telling from Chris Bostock in Year 1!


Yesterday Year 1 were lucky enough to have the fantastic story teller, Chris Bostock, come in and tell us a wonderful story. Chris told this […]

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Key Stage 1 News

Super Science in Year 1


We have been so lucky in Year 1, because we had a visit from two scientists from Newcastle University; Anne and Luke. They came in […]

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Key Stage 1 News

World Book Day!


We have had great fun at Archibald today and the children (and staff) have really embraced the celebrations. The children have enjoyed dressing up as […]

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Key Stage 1 News

Children’s Cancer Run


Are you up for the challenge? Can you and your family join in to walk, skip or run the 1, 3 or 5 mile track […]

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Key Stage 1 News

Guess our favourite book challenge


Between 28th February and 3rd March, tweet your favourite book using only 6 words to describe it. Can we guess what it is? @archibaldfirst #AFSBooks […]

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