Key Stage 1 News

Guess who arrived today…


Mrs Bayes got a huge shock today when a mystery box appeared in her room. It arrived with a note to ensure that the box […]

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Key Stage 1 News

PTFA School Council Funding


A huge thank you to you all as members of the PTFA for the funding of £300 to buy play ground equipment! The school council […]

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Key Stage 1 News

International Schools’ Award by Mark and Vihra


We went to the International schools’ award on the sixth of October 2015.The international schools’ awards took place at Tyneside Cinema it was very educational. […]

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Key Stage 1 News

Our school trust council meeting by Evie and Maliah


On Wednesday 30th September 2015 we invited the other trust councillors to come to our school for a meeting. We discussed a charity and finally […]

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Key Stage 1 News

Pizza Express Excitement by Class 4


On Tuesday Class 4 went to Pizza Express.  We learnt how to make pizza.  We learnt all about the 6 ingredients in the dough and […]

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Key Stage 1 News

Welcome to Year 1’s soup sale!


In year 1, we decided that we wanted to make and sell soup! We had to vote to see which flavours were the most popular.  […]

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Key Stage 1 News

Class 3 – What we have enjoyed!


In Year 1 we have been learning about communication. Class 3 wanted to communicate with you all at home about what they have enjoyed in […]

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