Key Stage 1 News

Year 1 Big Post box outing


Yesterday, Year 1 took the letters they had written home to the post box.  We had spent Literacy on Tuesday thinking carefully about who we […]

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Key Stage 1 News

Life in Class 4


We have begun a new topic this  week called It’s good to talk. We have been communicating in different ways including letters, postcards and emails. […]

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Key Stage 1 News

The Winners of the School Team Challenge Autumn 1


At Archibald all of our children and staff are a member of a school team. Team points are given by the adults in school to the […]

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Key Stage 1 News

School Teams


School Teams At Archibald all of our children and staff are a member of a school team. Team points are given by the adults in school […]

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Key Stage 1 News

Kitchen Reopens


Good news! The kitchen will reopen on Monday 28 September for hot school meals and the band system will be in operation as normal for […]

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Key Stage 1 News

School lunch update


We had hoped that the kitchen would be open from the 21st September, however work is still going on. As previously communicated we will keep […]

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Key Stage 1 News

Please keep our children safe and park sensibly


Keeping our children and families safe is one of our top priorities and we have to say a huge thank you to all our families […]

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