Key Stage 1 News

What makes you happy?


In 2012, The United Nations declared the first ever international Happy Day, highlightlighting the universal emotion and how we all strive for, and are entitled […]

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Key Stage 1 News

Painting the staff to raise money for a good cause…


On Friday 13th, in schools all over the country, the children came in with their faces painted funny for money in a bid to raise […]

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Key Stage 1 News

Chris Bostock the Storyteller by Year 1 bloggers


Chris Bostock, a story teller came in to spend the day with Year 1 last week.  We had a fab day full of stories, drama, […]

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Key Stage 1 News

Make your face funny for money selfies!


Check out our selfies and groups shots.  We made ourselves funny to raise some money!  Look out for the  face painted teachers coming soon.   […]

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Key Stage 1 News

Paint your Face Funny for Money – Red Nose Day


Children and staff are coming to school in funny faces, costumes and hairstyles on Friday 13th March to raise money for Comic Relief and Red […]

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Key Stage 1 News

Disco Time


It was the Spring Disco on Thursday in a new format, with everyone coming at 4.30pm. Check out the photos of the fun people had […]

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Key Stage 1 News

Rising Sun by Year 2


Last half term, Year 2 finished their topic called A load of old rubbish with a trip to the House of Objects at the Rising […]

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