Key Stage 1 News

Post Office Photos


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Key Stage 1 News

Post Office Winners


          At school we have been working with Loco to design a new postage stamp as part of their drive to […]

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Key Stage 1 News

Our Polar expedition by Year 1 Bloggers


    On Thursday 8th January, Year 1 became Polar explorers and rescuers.  We had a visit from Big Foot Drama( kindly donated by PTFA). […]

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Key Stage 1 News



It has come to our attention that a number of children at Archibald now have Instagram accounts. The required age for an Instagram account is […]

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Key Stage 1 News

Keeping Healthy visitors by Year 1 Bloggers


Year 1’s topic is Food, Glorious food.  We have been learning about what is in food and how it can affect our bodies.  We have […]

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Key Stage 1 News

Peter Pan


It may just be November but this afternoon we started off our Christmas celebrations with our annual pantomime.  We cheered, booed, sang and clapped along. […]

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Key Stage 1 News

A Spanish Tea Party By Year 2 Bloggers


    On Friday 7th November the Big Foot drama company came in and created a tailor made workshop with Year 2.  ( Many thanks […]

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