Key Stage 1 News

Christmas Jumper Day


Today at Archibald we had a new uniform.  Everyone including the teachers was wearing a Christmas jumper.  We looked really ‘Christmassy’  in the lunch hall […]

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Key Stage 1 News

Dick Whittington


We began our Christmas celebrations with a pantomime on Friday 29th November.  M and M productions came in to perform Dick Whittington. There were lots […]

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Key Stage 1 News

Year 1’s visit from Frank Coles


This half term Year 1 have been learning about the Arctic and the desert in their topic hot and cold. We were lucky enough to have […]

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Key Stage 1 News

Christmas Evening Thursday 5th December 5pm!!!


The Christmas Evening is fast approaching!  It is on Thursday 5th December 5pm-7pm  There will be lots of the usual stalls, including bottle hoopla, jam jar jest […]

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Key Stage 1 News

Teddy Bear Hospital Workshop


On Wednesday 20th November, Year 1 took part in a Teddy Bear Hospital Workshop, a student led society dedicated to educating 6-7 year olds about […]

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Key Stage 1 News

Multiskills Festival


On Monday 11th November 4 classes from Archibald First school joined children from Archbishop Runcie to take part in a multiskills festival at Gosforth Junior […]

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Key Stage 1 News

Year 1’s visit to All Saints


On Tuesday 22nd October  Classes 3 and 4 went to All Saints Church.  Ruth and Tom were our guides.  Ruth shared with us the clothes she […]

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