Key Stage 1 News

Life in Class 4


We are learning about communication.  We wanted to use our school website to communicate.  We wrote a class blog about life in Class 4.  This […]

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Key Stage 1 News

A day in the life of Class 3


Our current topic in Year 1 is communication. We decided to BLOG on the school website to let you know what we get up to at […]

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Key Stage 1 News

Another string to our bow


  In addition to our violin lessons available in Key Stage 2, Archibald is looking to offer lessons with brass instruments.  We had a visit […]

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E-Safety Information links and handouts
Key Stage 1 News

E-Safety Information links and handouts


A huge thank you to the parents who attended our E-Safety Evening.   You will find links to the PowerPoint presentation, CEOPs video and any […]

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Key Stage 1 News

Year 1’s visit from the vet


On Friday 13th September a vet came to talk to year 1 all about the needs of animals. She brought in a special friend called […]

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Welcome to Archibald
Key Stage 1 News

Welcome to Archibald


Joining us in September will be three new members of staff. We are sure they will love Archibald just as much as we do and […]

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Key Stage 1 News



All of us at Archibald would like to say a huge thank you and goodbye to four members of staff who left us at the end […]

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