Year 1

Get Active Great Outdoors Challenge 2017


The Summer Term is here and everyone in the Gosforth Schools’ Trust is excited about all the activities that we can enjoy in the great […]

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Year 1

Year 1 take a trip back to medieval times.


To kick start our ‘Castles’ topic, Year 1 had a special visitor this morning. Matilde came in to tell us all about what life was […]

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Year 1

A visitor at Let’s Get Building Club


This week the builders had to – design and build something that could float. We had great fun designing and building our boats using junk modelling, […]

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Summer Uniform and Footwear
Year 1

Summer Uniform and Footwear


We are very proud of our school uniform and it is important that the children all look and feel smart.   As the warmer weather […]

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Year 1

Amazing animals in Year 1!


This morning in Year 1 we had a lovely lady from ForPaws, Gosforth who brought in lots of amazing animals for us to hold, stroke and […]

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Year 1

Let’s Get Building club is back!!


We have been so excited that Let’s Get Building club is finally back and what a super first session we had! After reading Iggy Peck Architect […]

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Year 1

Super Story Telling from Chris Bostock in Year 1!


Yesterday Year 1 were lucky enough to have the fantastic story teller, Chris Bostock, come in and tell us a wonderful story. Chris told this […]

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