Year 1

Team Cookson treat


As our reward for gaining the most team points before Christmas, today was our treat.  We chose a DVD with popcorn plus free time in […]

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Year 1

Year 1’s teddies get a medical.


On Wednesday Year 1 brought their teddies to school so they could take part in the Teddy bear hospital workshop.  Lots of medical students can […]

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Year 1

Pizza Express Excitement by Class 4


On Tuesday Class 4 went to Pizza Express.  We learnt how to make pizza.  We learnt all about the 6 ingredients in the dough and […]

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Year 1

Welcome to Year 1’s soup sale!


In year 1, we decided that we wanted to make and sell soup! We had to vote to see which flavours were the most popular.  […]

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Year 1

Class 3 – What we have enjoyed!


In Year 1 we have been learning about communication. Class 3 wanted to communicate with you all at home about what they have enjoyed in […]

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Year 1

Year 1 Big Post box outing


Yesterday, Year 1 took the letters they had written home to the post box.  We had spent Literacy on Tuesday thinking carefully about who we […]

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Year 1

Life in Class 4


We have begun a new topic this  week called It’s good to talk. We have been communicating in different ways including letters, postcards and emails. […]

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