Year 1

Chris Bostock the Storyteller by Year 1 bloggers


Chris Bostock, a story teller came in to spend the day with Year 1 last week.  We had a fab day full of stories, drama, […]

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Year 1

Paint your Face Funny for Money – Red Nose Day


Children and staff are coming to school in funny faces, costumes and hairstyles on Friday 13th March to raise money for Comic Relief and Red […]

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Year 1

Thanks Frank by Emma Year 1


Year 1 had a fantastic visitor at the end of last half term.  Frank Coles ( one of our parents)  came to talk to Year […]

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Year 1

Science Competition!!!


We have an exciting poster competition for you all building up to our Science Week and supporting National British Science Week 2015. The theme for […]

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Year 1

Trust School Councillors


A huge congratulations to Evie and Maliah on being elected as our new ‘Trust Councillors. The children from Year 3 were invited to write a […]

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Year 1

Make Your Face (and a teacher’s) Funny For Money: Red Nose Day


    Comic Relief and Red Nose Day is back on Friday 13th March 2015! This year we are ‘Making our faces Funny for Money!’.  To support this […]

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Year 1

Maths Evening


    The staff would like to say a huge thank you to all those families who were able to join us for the maths […]

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