Year 1

Year 1 by Class 4


As part of our ‘It’s good to talk’ topic, Year 1 are communicating in lots of different ways, including blogging on the website.  In this […]

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Year 1

Ready to Blog by Blogging Club


Today Blogging Club met for the first time.  We thought about what we will blog about.  Some of our ideas are:   Ginger experiments ( […]

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Year 1

Why we love being in Class 3!


In Year 1 we have been learning about pets! Ben R knows that scorpians sting to protect themselves. Did you know that dogs like to […]

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Year 1

Children’s Blogs coming soon…


This year Miss Bradley will be leading a ‘Blogging Club’. Children from each of the year groups will write posts for the website which we […]

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