Year 2

Our Super Sculpture Hunt!


On Friday 17th May Mrs Mullick and Miss Watson accompanied the art ambassadors on a trip into the city centre to hunt for sculptures in […]

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Year 2

ICT Workshop


Well done to Year 2 who took part in a coding workshop with Julian from Gem Education this term. The children worked in pairs to […]

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Year 2

Year 2’s Amazing Architect Workshop


Year 2 had a fantastic day yesterday with Martin and Jack from Architect Workshops. First we used out scientific knowledge to think about different habitats […]

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Year 2

The Great Fire of Archibald!


What an exciting afternoon in Year 2! This half term we have been historians learning all about the Great Fire of London and the Great […]

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Year 2

Year 2 visit the Discovery Museum!


Year 2 had a fabulous trip to the Discovery Museum this week. We began our day by walking to Regent Centre and getting the metro […]

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Year 2

Year 2 Globe Trotters


Geography Year 2 have been learning that we are not the only Newcastle on the planet. They have been comparing Newcastle, Uk with Newcastle , […]

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Year 2

A Busy Term for Year 2 !


Humanities – History This term started with our new topic ‘The Unsinkable Ship’. The children learned about the magnificent Titanic and the events that led […]

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