We would just like to take this opportunity to tell you all what an amazing first week you all had and how incredibly proud we are of each and everyone of you!
From being brave and coming in all by yourself, to blowing us away in the classroom with your enthusiasm, hard work and sensible attitudes, we have truly loved having you in Year 2.
Now that we have completed a full week, we thought we would share with you what we have been up to.
In literacy we began by writing all about our holidays. It was lovely to read about the lovely things you all got up to as families and the children talked fondly about their memories.
We used this lesson to remind ourselves that we must always remember our capital letters, full stops and to use our best handwriting.
We also had lots of fun writing about ourselves but also writing about our aspirations when we are older. We found the pictures of us looking wrinkly very funny! We had some Star Writers from each class. I wonder who will be our next Star Writer?
In numeracy we have been exploring place value. This is something we will be focussing on over the next few weeks. We have been ensuring we understand what each digit in a two-digit number represents (e.g. 7 in 72 doesn’t actually mean 7, it means 70!) and will use this knowledge to help us compare and order numbers in our next few lessons.
In our daily phonic lessons we have been recapping all our phase 3 and phase 5 sounds. We have then been practising reading them in both real and nonsense words in preparation for our upcoming phonics check in Autumn 2.
We have attached a past phonics check below of you would like to practise further at home.
Throughout the week we also explored the artist Matisse and after appraising some of his portraits, we began creating our own. After a few practises in our sketch books and a bit of peer evaluating, we began our own. We think they are all amazing!
Year 2 it has been a pleasure teaching you this week and we cannot wait to get to know you all more throughout the year.
We are so proud of you all!
Thank you grown ups for your continued support at home, it really does have a huge positive impact on your child’s progress. Please remember to check the school blogs and Twitter for updates and don’t forget to tweet us any achievements from home too!
Best wishes,
Miss. Pearson, Mr. Bourke and the whole Year 2 team 🙂