Year 2

Get Active Great Outdoors Challenge 2017


The Summer Term is here and everyone in the Gosforth Schools’ Trust is excited about all the activities that we can enjoy in the great […]

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Summer Uniform and Footwear
Year 2

Summer Uniform and Footwear


We are very proud of our school uniform and it is important that the children all look and feel smart.   As the warmer weather […]

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Year 2

Computing Crumble Fun


On Tuesday year 2 were very lucky because we had some visitors who were experts at doing scientific computing. We had to create some algorithms […]

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Year 2

Super Synagogue Trip


On Tuesday Year 2 had a very special day. We walked smartly to the synagogue. A synagogue is a place where Jewish people go to pray. […]

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Year 2

World Book Day!


We have had great fun at Archibald today and the children (and staff) have really embraced the celebrations. The children have enjoyed dressing up as […]

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Year 2

Children’s Cancer Run


Are you up for the challenge? Can you and your family join in to walk, skip or run the 1, 3 or 5 mile track […]

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Year 2

Delightful Dens and Awesome Objects


Year 2 went to House of Objects and to Rising Sun Country Park for a day of fun. When we were inside we used lots of […]

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