Year 2



It has come to our attention that a number of children at Archibald now have Instagram accounts. The required age for an Instagram account is […]

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Year 2

A Spanish Tea Party By Year 2 Bloggers


    On Friday 7th November the Big Foot drama company came in and created a tailor made workshop with Year 2.  ( Many thanks […]

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Year 2

Magic Workshop by Year 2 Bloggers


Year 2 took part in a Magic Big Foot workshop.  They had to use rhyme to make spells.  Their guide was a witch.  They did […]

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Year 2

Golden Ticket Winners – A Chocolate Workshop


The winners of the Golden Tickets and the Edible Structure competition took part in a fantastic Chocolate Workshop led by the owner of Curiously Wicked […]

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Year 2

Edible Structures – WOW WOW WOW!!!


There is little to say except WOW and WELL DONE! The entries are tremendous and to judge them will be a very difficult task. We […]

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Year 2

Ready to Blog by Blogging Club


Today Blogging Club met for the first time.  We thought about what we will blog about.  Some of our ideas are:   Ginger experiments ( […]

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Year 2

Children’s Blogs coming soon…


This year Miss Bradley will be leading a ‘Blogging Club’. Children from each of the year groups will write posts for the website which we […]

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