Year 2

Virtual Book Club – December!


Welcome to December’s Virtual Book Club! This month we’re going to start with a Christmas Short Story from Terry Pratchett! As it’s the festive season, […]

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Year 2

Virtual Book Club


Hi Everyone! My name is Mrs Nisbet and I work in Year 3 in Key Stage 2. I’m going to be starting a Virtual Book […]

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Year 2

Year 2- We are so proud of you!


We would just like to take this opportunity to tell you all what an amazing first week you all had and how incredibly proud we […]

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Year 2

Daniel McAdam Trophy Award Presentation!


At Archibald, we’re very proud to have this award, our Daniel McAdam Award represents a very special little boy, who we were proud to have […]

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Year 2

Year 2 – Week 6: Oh No, Not Again!


Hello Year 2, welcome to another week on the blog. You all continue to blow us away and make us incredibly proud from afar with […]

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Year 2

Year 2 – You’re a Bright Spark!


Hello Year 2 and welcome to another wonderful week. We hope you have all been enjoying the lovely weather we have been having and have […]

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Year 2

Year 2 – You’re All On Fire!


Hello Year 2!Our new topic “Goodness, Gracious, Great Balls of Fire!” is now well and truly under way. Well done for using your skills as […]

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