Year 2

Year 2 – Goodness, Gracious, Great Balls of Fire!


Hello Year 2!Our new topic “Goodness, Gracious, Great Balls of Fire!” is now the focus of our weekly blogs and we are so pleased that […]

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Year 2

Year 2 – Week 2: Our History Mystery!


Hello Year 2! We hope you have all had another lovely week and are ready for this weeks challenges! As more and more of you […]

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Year 2

Year 2 Home Tasks – Week 1: Give The World A Hug!


Hello Year 2! We hope you all had a fantastic half term break and you are ready for summer 2. The LAST half term in […]

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Year 2

TT Rockstar Winners!


Well done to the boys who were our overall winners on this weeks battle! Here is the leaderboard for both the boys and girls. Can […]

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Year 2

Year 2’s Weekly Tasks: Week 5!


Hello Year 2! Are you ready for the last week of the half term? We cant believe how long its been since we saw some […]

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Year 2

Tasks for Awesome Year 2! Week 4


Hello Year 2! Are we all ready for a brand new week? We hope you have all had lovely long weekend and enjoyed the sunshine […]

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Year 2

TTRockstar Champions!


Hope you’ve all had a wonderful bank holiday weekend. I couldn’t believe the new names on the leaderboard! You’ve obviously all been going on and […]

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