Key Stage 2 News

Rainbow Bake Sale


What a huge success and a lot of fun. All the children from Nursery to year 4 have been baking and making with their teachers […]

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Key Stage 2 News

Rainbow Bake Family Entries


A huge thank you and well done to everyone who entered the family Rainbow Bake competition! It was such a hard decision to make to […]

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Key Stage 2 News

Ice-cream fun for Year 4!


Year 4  had a lot of fun on Monday 11th July 2016. We were very lucky to have an ice cream van at our school. […]

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Key Stage 2 News

Bugsy Malone


Year 4 treated the school, parents and teachers to a production of Bugsy Malone on Monday 11th of July. They had a afternoon performance at […]

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Cross country tournement-Gosforth Gets Going
Key Stage 2 News

Cross country tournement-Gosforth Gets Going


On Monday 4th July, 8 people from year 3 and 4 went on a cross-country tournament. The run took part at the field behind Gosforth Academy […]

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Key Stage 2 News

Skittle Ball – Gosforth Gets Going – by Dominic


  On Tuesday 5th July, class 7 and 8 of Archibald, Brunton first school, Grange park ,Regent farm and Dinington competed in a Skittle Ball […]

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Gosforth Gets Going Cross Country Meet
Key Stage 2 News

Gosforth Gets Going Cross Country Meet


On Monday 4th July we went to a cross country meet with schools in Gosforth.                                                                                                  Years 3 and 4 took part and we all […]

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