Key Stage 2 News

Sports Day By Year 4


On Thursday 9th July We had our Sports Day in Year 4. The best part was the water race when you had a sponge and […]

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Key Stage 2 News

I scream Icecream by Year 4


Year 4 enjoyed a fabulous end of term treat when an ice-cream van landed in the staff car park, full of treats for everyone! The […]

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Key Stage 2 News

Loft Music Studio Visit by Class 9


We had a musician and sound engineer visit from Loft Music Studios.  They came to help us with our Science topic, Sound. They taught how […]

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Key Stage 2 News

Odd Socks Day


Today everyone came to school looking slightly different.  We all wore odd socks.  This little change made a big difference as the school council collected […]

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Key Stage 2 News

German Day 2015


Some of our Year 4 children have been communicating with our partner school in Gosforth.  We asked the children to blog about German day 2015. […]

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Key Stage 2 News

Big Lottery Funding for Archibald!


We are delighted to announce that in May 2015, we were successfully awarded a grant from the Big Lottery of £10 000. The Big Lottery Fund […]

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Key Stage 2 News

An outstanding picnic


This afternoon, Archibald celebrated it’s outstanding result.  We invited everyone to come and join us for a picnic.  The grass area was full of picnic […]

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