Key Stage 2 News

Creative Writing workshop by Year 3 bloggers


Years 2 , 3 and 4 took part in a Creative writing workshop.  They used drama and story openers to create exciting stories with dramatic […]

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Key Stage 2 News

Building a bridge by Year 3 Bloggers


Key Stage 2 went over to Central Middle School to build a bridge.  They learnt how it is constructed and how it safe.  They even […]

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Key Stage 2 News

Make your face funny for money selfies!


Check out our selfies and groups shots.  We made ourselves funny to raise some money!  Look out for the  face painted teachers coming soon.   […]

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Key Stage 2 News

Paint your Face Funny for Money – Red Nose Day


Children and staff are coming to school in funny faces, costumes and hairstyles on Friday 13th March to raise money for Comic Relief and Red […]

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Key Stage 2 News

Disco Time


It was the Spring Disco on Thursday in a new format, with everyone coming at 4.30pm. Check out the photos of the fun people had […]

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Key Stage 2 News

Epic Loft Studio Visit by Year 4 bloggers


Year 3 and Year 4 took a trip into Newcastle to explore a recording studio. Here is what our Year 4 bloggers thought of their […]

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Key Stage 2 News

Social Media Safety Centre


More and more children are using social media from a younger and younger age.  At Archibald we make children aware of how to use Social […]

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