Key Stage 2 News

Mummies Unwrapped!


On Wednesday 23rd January 2013, the children in Year 4 got the chance top visit the Great North Museum to take part in a “Mummies […]

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Key Stage 2 News

Breaking Bike it news


Archibald continues to be involved in the Bike it campaign.  The Bling your Bike day was a big success and other events are taking place […]

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Key Stage 2 News

Milly’s Bright Idea!


After watching Blue Peter and hearing all about their ‘wear your pj’s to school’ appeal, Milly from class 9 decided to get Archibald First School […]

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Key Stage 2 News

Christmas Plays


Last week the children performed brilliantly in our 3 Christmas performances.  Early Years performed a lovely play called  This is my Gift.  Key Stage One […]

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Key Stage 2 News

Bling Your Bike


On Tuesday 4th December 120 children arrived at school with their bikes or scooters covered in bling.  They had covered their bikes or scooters in […]

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Key Stage 2 News

A pirates life for me!


Year 3 spent the day at Trincomalee at Hartlepool Marina as part of their “Pirates of the Caribbean” topic. They had lots of fun learning […]

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Key Stage 2 News

Switch Off Fortnight


It has been a busy two weeks at our school learning how to look after our world.  We have been doing lots of activities that […]

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