Key Stage 2 News



Today we started our Christmas celebrations with a pantomime.  This year it was Pinocchio.  It was fantastic performance with lots of songs, dancing and audience […]

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Key Stage 2 News

The Smoothie Shop


The smoothie shop was set up by Miss Lee, Mrs Watson and the school council to promote healthy eating in our older children. With Key […]

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Key Stage 2 News

Singing at Trinity Church


  Some of the children in year 4 were invited to perform for the Women’s Institute at Trinity Church on  Tuesday 27th November.  The children […]

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Key Stage 2 News

Pyjama Day


Today everyone came to school wearing their pyjamas.  It wasn’t because they had forgotten to get dressed, but to raise money for Children in Need. We […]

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Key Stage 2 News

Introducing our School Nurse: Deb Tulip


My name is Deb Tulip and I am the School Nurse for Archibald First School. My role is to offer support and advice to you and your child […]

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Year 3 Visit to the City Learning Centre
Key Stage 2 News

Year 3 Visit to the City Learning Centre


All the Year 3 children recently visited Newcastle’s City Learning Centre. They had the opportunity to animate the mythical beasts they had created and graphically retell […]

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Key Stage 2 News

Year 3 Greek day!


Last week the whole of year 3 celebrated the end of their Ancient Greece topic in true style by coming to school dressed as Ancient […]

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