Key Stage 2 News

Year 3 A Visit from a Greek Housewife


 In year 3 we have been learning all about Ancient Greece, we were lucky enough to be visited by a Greek housewife. She taught us […]

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Key Stage 2 News

Exciting T.V. News!


  Last year CBeebies came and auditioned some of our Reception children for a new television show called “Get Well Soon”.  Eight children, now in […]

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Key Stage 2 News

Harvest Festival


On Wednesday 10th October we had our annual Harvest Festival.  A big thank you to everyone for all the fantastic food donations.  These will be […]

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Key Stage 2 News

Roald Dahl Week


Everyone at Archibald officially loves Roald Dahl and his books.  We had the most amazing week using his books to inspire us.  Early Year read […]

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Key Stage 2 News

ICT Mark Award 2012!


We are delighted to announce that once again we have been awarded the ICT Mark. We first gained this prestigious award in October 2009 and […]

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Key Stage 2 News

Congratulations to Mrs Robertson (Miss Fowler)!


Everyone at Archibald  would like to say a huge congratulations to Miss Fowler who tied the knot on Saturday to become Mrs Robertson. We hope […]

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Key Stage 2 News

Archibald Achieve the International Schools Award!


A huge well done to Miss Bradley for all her hard work in leading Archibald to achieve the International Schools Award. Mrs Bayes, Miss Bradley […]

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