Super Spring in Year 3!


What a way to start the New Year! It really has been an action packed half term. We have been learning all about the natural disasters of the world, magnets and forces plus using green screen to create a news report.


We’ve been learning about Volcanoes and Earthquakes around the world. We have used a range of maps to find out what causes Volcanoes and Earthquakes. We found out how plate tectonics can cause natural disasters around the world. In computing, we’ve been using Green Screen to create pictures, then videos. We created our own News Reports on Natural Disasters. We had to resize and edit our videos so we could be placed behind a news reporter desk. We’re very impressed with how professional our videos are!


World Mental Health Week ‘Lets Connect’

We loved being part of the whole class ‘Human Chain’ and also created our own Let’s connect Jigsaw. We discussed that we all have differences but also we have similarities which we can share and connect with others.

In PSHE, we’ve been making our own videos to show what the rights of children are. We discussed how we all have the right to an education, clean water and recorded our learning in class videos.

We were also lucky enough to have a enterprise workshop that taught us all about the importance of money and different jobs in our community.

Forest school and Rising Sun

Despite the weather causing chaos throughout this half term, Year 3 were able to have some fantastic sessions in forest school with Mr Holman and also enjoy our rescheduled trip to the rising sun where we learnt about den building and even learnt how to make our own bread!

Art and DT

In Art, we have created our own prehistoric art using natural pigments. Where as in DT, we put our constructive skills to the test and built our castles.

As you can see, we have been very busy this half term and we are only half way through! We look forward to the next half term and our new topic of Ancient Egypt! Once again, we would like to thank all of our families for their help and support throughout this half term. We are so proud of the children and their willingness to show the 4 C’s. We hope you have a well deserved half term break!