Year 3

Our Super Sculpture Hunt!


On Friday 17th May Mrs Mullick and Miss Watson accompanied the art ambassadors on a trip into the city centre to hunt for sculptures in […]

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Year 3

Super Spring in Year 3!


What a way to start the New Year! It really has been an action packed half term. We have been learning all about the natural […]

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Year 3

Awesome Autumn 2 in Year 3


This half term, as always, has been full of great fun, lots of learning and jolly festivities! This half term we have made delicious tarts […]

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Year 3

Awesome Autumn in Year 3


What an action packed half term we have had! We have been to the Hancock Museum, made cushions as part of our DT and also […]

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Year 3

Year 3 Spring Term Extravaganza!


Year 3 have had an exciting Spring Term. It has been a wonderful term, full of learning and new experiences which we would like to […]

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Year 3

Amazing Autumn 2 in Year 3!


What an action packed half term we have had! We have been to the Hancock Museum, performed our Christmas concert, experimented with prehistoric art techniques […]

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Year 3

A Busy Half Term for Year 3!


Our trip to The Hancock Museum! Year 3 took a trip to Hancock Museum this half term to learn all about the different bones in […]

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