Year 3

Dick Whittington – School Christmas Panto 2016


‘He’s behind you!’ ‘Oh no he isn’t!’ ‘Oh yes he is!!!!’   The cheers could be heard from one end of Gosforth to the other […]

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Year 3

Year 3 visit to the Great North Museum


Year 3 enjoyed looking for evidence of the Stone Age, Bronze Age and Iron Age on their visit to the museum.    

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Year 3

We are Community Champions at Kingston Park


We are Community Champions at Tesco on Kingston Park. Please pop your green tokens in the slot for Archibald First School – Every Little Helps!

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Year 3

Victory for the Archibald Girls Football Team – by the girls


On Tuesday 12th we went to a girls football tournament at south Gosforth first school. We entered two teams a A team and a B team. […]

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Year 3

Rainbow Bake Sale


What a huge success and a lot of fun. All the children from Nursery to year 4 have been baking and making with their teachers […]

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Year 3

Rainbow Bake Family Entries


A huge thank you and well done to everyone who entered the family Rainbow Bake competition! It was such a hard decision to make to […]

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Cross country tournement-Gosforth Gets Going
Year 3

Cross country tournement-Gosforth Gets Going


On Monday 4th July, 8 people from year 3 and 4 went on a cross-country tournament. The run took part at the field behind Gosforth Academy […]

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