Year 3

PTFA Spring Fete


We can’t wait to see everyone from Archibald and their families on Saturday 21st May between 2pm and 4pm.   It is the annual spring […]

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Year 3

Newcastle Falcons Festival


Our school was invited to play in the Newcastle Falcons tag rugby tournament at the the Kingston Park stadium, on the actual pitch the professionals play on! […]

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Year 3

World Book Day


  We had a fabulous time celebrating World Book Day! Lots of us dressed up as characters from our favourite books, the teachers even dressed […]

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Year 3

Theatre Group Visit


In celebration of Book Week, West End in Schools theatre company, visited Archibald today and performed a fabulous musical entitled Shine a Light. They create literacy […]

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Year 3

Year 3 Samba Band!


Year 3 are currently learning how to play different instruments to form a samba band. Here is a glimpse into some of our lessons so […]

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Year 3

Let’s Get Cooking Club!


Thank you very much to all parents and children who attended our let’s get cooking family club. We all had a great time, learning how […]

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Year 3

Safer Internet Day 2016


All this week as part of Safer Internet Day, Archibald has been lo0king at how to be make the Internet a safer and better place. […]

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