Year 3

Curious, Caring, Creative and Courageous


Last academic year we decided to revamp our core values and asked all of our parents, carers, children, staff and governors what qualities they believed […]

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Year 3

Awesome Egyptians with That History Bloke!


Year 3 have really been enjoying our topic this half term which is, of course, The Awesome Egyptians! Luckily, we had a very special visitor […]

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Year 3

A Trip to the Laing Art Gallery with our Art Ambassadors…


On Friday afternoon Mrs Howard joined other Art Coordinators from the Gosforth Trust for an exciting afternoon of art training provided by the Laing Art […]

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Year 3

As Time Began in Year 3!


This half term our topic has been As Time Began! Pupils in Year 3 have worked incredibly hard and been full of enthusiasm and curiosity. […]

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Year 3

An Eco-tastic Week in Year 3!


Year 3 have enjoyed Eco Week a lot! In Literacy we read the story Greta and The Giants. The children all agreed that the giants […]

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Year 3

Year 3 love being Young Leaders!


Year 3 children have thoroughly enjoyed their topic this half term which is called Gosforth Gets Green – We’re Young Leaders! Pupils have explored the […]

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Year 3

Virtual Book Club – December!


Welcome to December’s Virtual Book Club! This month we’re going to start with a Christmas Short Story from Terry Pratchett! As it’s the festive season, […]

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