Year 3

Sir Bobby Robson Trophy Tournament


  We went to Newcastle United First Team training ground for the Sir Bobby Robson Trophy Tournament. It was run by the Children’s Cancer Ward […]

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Year 3

Terrific Team Games!


On Tuesday, some children from Year 3 and 4 were very lucky because they went to participate in the Team Games! What is the Team […]

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Year 3

Dance Festival 2018


On the 26,March 2018, a group of dancer’s like us went to the City Hall dance festival and did a dance based on The Wiz. […]

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Year 3

Swimming Gala 2018


We had a fabulous time at Gosforth Swimming Pool, everyone encouraging each other in their races.  We were so happy to receive medals as well […]

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Year 3

World Book Cup!


Class 7 had a big decision to make on World Book Day… what was our new class novel going to be? There are so many […]

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Year 3

Sweet Science!


Today in Class 7 we have been exploring and creating different types of rock. We did this by using Starburst sweets, brain power and strength! […]

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Year 3

Rock Detectives!


Class 7 have enjoyed being rock detectives this afternoon in our Science lesson. We talked about different rock types and then got straight into working […]

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